Chiller is a kind of water cooling equipment, is able to provide constant temperature, constant current, constant pressure cooling equipment. Cold water machine the principle is to a certain amount of water injection machine of the internal water tank, through the mechanism of cold water cooling system will be water cooling, and then have the machine within the cryogenic frozen water injection pump need to cooling equipment, cold water machine the internal heat away, the high temperature cooling of the hot water back into the water again, so exchange cooling cycle, as the function of the cooling equipment. Cooling-Water Machine,Water Cooled Ice Machine,Drinking Water Cooling Machine,Cooling Machine For Water Ningbo Haijing Plastic Machine Manufacturing Co. LTD , Click the mobile phone to get the bus arrival time information, subway congestion information, and keep abreast of the Beijing Wuhuan Expressway and the main state's dry road conditions. On November 24, Zhang Ke, deputy director of the Beijing Traffic Operation Monitoring and Dispatching Center ("TOCC"), revealed that the second phase of the TOCC project will start. As soon as next year, the Beijing public will be able to enjoy these services.
At present, TOCC has integrated more than 3,000 static and dynamic data from within and outside the industry, forming an information application system involving 19 industries covering urban roads, public transportation, rail transit, taxis, traffic control, civil aviation, and meteorology. Provide services for government departments and public travel.
Zhang Ke introduced that the second phase of the TOCC project will strive to achieve more refined daily traffic information for the public in real time through multiple channels. Establish an integrated operation monitoring system covering the entire city's Wuhuan Expressway and major provincial trunk roads, and strive to implement the initial release of dynamic information on the road network in real time next year.
The second phase of the project will also realize the arrival forecast of major bus lines and plans to integrate information on the city's parking lot and publish them in a unified manner so as to facilitate public enquiries.