Nature ore containing copper ore types skarn, diorite copper and copper pyrite to copper skarns based. Most of the oxidized ore is loose and porous, the oxidation rate is as high as 90%, and the ore is powdery.
Raw ore de-sludge process and its improvement The original design of the crushing process at Tongshan Constituency is a three-stage open-circuit process, without considering the demineralization of the ore (Figure 1). After the 59-year plant was put into production, the oxidation rate of the ore was gradually increased from 5% to 10-15%, and the mud content of -0.2mm was 10-15%, which seriously affected the normal production. Therefore, three improvements were made to the crushing process (Figure 2). Through improvement, the washing process has been gradually improved, the washing efficiency is greatly improved, and the normal operation of the equipment is ensured, ensuring safe production. Separate grinding and flotation of the slime increases the recovery by 1 to 1.5%.

figure 1

figure 2

Tube Sheet

Tube Sheet,Sheet Metal Tube,Fixed Tube Sheet,Double Tube Sheet