Coinnich thu ribh aig taisbeanadh Automechanika Shanghai!
China Lutong Parts Plant is a professional OEM & Aftermarket parts supplier, which specialized in diesel engine parts. Our main products include plunger barrel,Control Valve, Injectors,common rail valve, Head rotor (VE Pump Parts), Plunger, Delivery Valve, Cam Disk, Repair Kits, Feed Pump and more.
The chiller is a cooling water equipment that can provide constant temperature, constant flow and constant pressure. The industrial water chiller can always output ice water that is lower than the ambient temperature. It can be used wherever cooling is needed, either directly or indirectly. The chiller can be used to cool the injection mold and improve the quality of plastic products; Vacuum coating cooling, control the temperature of vacuum coating machine; Food industry cooling, rapid cooling processing; Chemical industry, effectively control the temperature of chemicals; Building cooling, rapid cooling and condensation of concrete, etc. Water chillers are widely used. Cooling Mold Chiller,Injection Molding Chiller,Chiller Used In Injection Molding,Cooling Mold Chiller Ningbo Chenwei Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd ,
Automechanika Shanghai 2017
Booth NO: 3F68 ann an Talla 3
Ceann-latha: 29mh Samhain - 2mh Dùbhlachd 2017
Cuir ris: Taisbeanadh Nà iseanta agus Ionad Co-chruinneachadh (Shanghai), Sìona.
Là rach-lìn: http://
Cuileagan tìde, Automechanika Fosglaidh Shanghai 2017 a dhorsan ann an dìreach dà sheachdain! Automechanika Shanghai an fhèill mhalairt as motha ann an Àisia a tha air a chomharrachadh airson pà irtean uidheamachd, innealan, uidheamachd agus seirbheisean. Am-bliadhna, thathar an dùil gun cuir am fèill fà ilte air mu 6,000 neach-taisbeanaidh bho 42 dùthchannan agus roinnean, agus bheir iad seachad cuid de na h-adhartasan as ùire bho ghnìomhachasan carbadan cruinne agus dachaigheil. Air a chumail bho 29 Samhain - 2 Dùbhlachd 2017 aig Ionad Taisbeanaidh Nà iseanta agus Co-chruinneachadh ann an Shanghai, Sìna, fosglaidh an fhèill a dhorsan gu timcheall air 130,000 neach-tadhail agus prìomh chluicheadairean bho ghnìomhachas nan carbadan. Tha an taisbeanadh air cliù a thogail mar an tachartas gnìomhachais cliùiteach airson 's gum bi e comasach airson iomlaid fiosrachaidh, margaidheachd, malairt agus foghlam, a' frithealadh farsaingeachd gnìomhachas na h-uidheamachd bho phà irtean & com-pà irtean, cà radh is cumail suas, innealan-ceangail agus cleachdaidhean agus einnseanan.
Tha China-Lutong toilichte a rà dh gu bheil sinn a 'dol gu Shanghai san t-Samhain gus pà irt a ghabhail ann an Shanghai Automechanika 2017. Tha an à ireamh de bhothan againn 3F68 ann an Talla 3. Tha China-Lutong mar aon de na solaraichean sà r-mhath de shiostaman in-ghabhail connaidh innealan carbaid agus pà irtean co-cheangailte ann an Sìona, le barrachd air 30 bliadhna de dh'fhiosrachadh, is e China Lutong an ceannard anns a 'chompanaidh à s-mhalairt. Tha fà ilte chridheil ort tadhal air ar bothan 3F68 ann an Talla 3.
Automechanika Shanghai, an dà rna fèill malairt Automechanika as motha san t-saoghal airson pà irtean uidheamachd, innealan, uidheamachd agus seirbheisean. Am measg nan taisbeanaidhean tha raon mòr de phà irtean einnsean Diesel, a 'gabhail a-steach Ceann Rotor (pà irtean pumpaidh VE), fuaimean, Diesel Plunger / Element, Lìbhrigidh Lìbhrigidh, Smachd Smachd, Fuarran Rèile Coitcheann, Disk Cam, Innealan Cà raidh, Pump Feed, agus Pump VE msaa. tha stuthan air an dèanamh a rèir gèilleadh nan inbhean eadar-nà iseanta a 'cleachdadh stuthan bunaiteach fìor-amh agus teicneòlas air leth. Air sgà th crìochnachadh rèidh, togail cruaidh agus seirbheis seirbheis nas fhaide, tha ar raon tairgse air leth measail le ar luchd-dèiligidh luachmhor. Nì an t-eòlas teicnigeach againn, seirbheis freagairt do luchd-cleachdaidh agus dealas airson leasachadh leantainneach, le taic bho thasgadh seasmhach, cinnteach gum bi cliù aig China Lutong airson stuthan earbsach, à rd-inbheach, leantainneach.
Tha sinn a 'coimhead air adhart ri bhith gad fhaicinn aig Automechanika Shanghai 2017!
Water chillers can be divided into industrial water chiller, screw water chiller, electroplating water chiller, oxidation water chiller, laser water chiller, coating water chiller, wave soldering water chiller, reflow soldering water chiller, exposure machine water chiller, developer water chiller, ultrasonic water chiller, extruder water chiller, high-frequency quenching water chiller, Injection Molding Machine water chiller, electrophoresis paint water chiller Pharmaceutical special water chiller, food special water chiller, stainless steel water chiller, circuit board water chiller, plastic suction machine special water chiller, chemical water chiller, coating water chiller. According to working conditions, it can also be divided into air-cooled water chiller, water-cooled water chiller, low-temperature water chiller, thermostatic water chiller, etc
Energy saving function of water chiller:
The water chiller is a kind of refrigeration equipment that cools water and recycles it. The cooling water temperature can be adjusted automatically according to the requirements, almost without water consumption. Long-term use can save a lot of water. Therefore, compared with the mode of using tap water discharge to cool the equipment, the industrial water chiller is an ideal equipment that can quickly achieve the desired cooling effect and save energy.
About the function of the chiller, I will introduce it here today. Chillers play an important role in industrial production. Enterprises use chillers to improve production efficiency, ensure product quality and increase profits.
1. Regularly check whether the voltage and electric flow of the water-cooled chiller are stable, and whether the compressor operates normally. If it is a semi-closed compressor, regularly check the oil volume, which should be more than 2/3 of the window. When the water-cooled chiller works normally, the voltage is 380V and the current is within the range of 11A-15A.
2. Regularly check whether the refrigerant of the water-cooled water chiller has leakage: it can be determined by referring to the parameters displayed on the high and low pressure gauge on the front panel of the host. According to the temperature change of air temperature (winter and summer), the pressure display of the water chiller is also different. When the water chiller works normally, the high pressure display is 11-17kg, and the low pressure display is 3.5kg-5kg, which are normal.
3. Check whether the cooling water system of the water-cooled water chiller is normal, whether the fan and sprinkling shaft of the cooling water tower are in good operation, and whether the make-up water of the built-in water tank of the water-cooled water chiller is normal. The water-cooled chiller should be replaced with new water once every three months. If it cannot be replaced, please add rust remover.
4. All industrial water chillers should be cleaned once a year when they are used for six months. The main cleaning parts include cooling water tower, cooling water pipe and condenser to ensure better cooling effect.
5. When the water-cooled chiller is not used for a long time, the circuit switches such as the main power supply of the water pump, compressor and Cooling Tower should be turned off in time. The water-cooled water chiller needs to be connected with the cooling water tower and the circulating water pump to achieve the cooling effect. In order to ensure the quality of the circulating water, it can be considered to install a Y-type filter at the water source and add algaecide and scale remover to the cooling water tower to prevent impurities from entering the pipeline and affecting the operation of the unit.