In the chlorine complex equilibrium of the antimony trichloride hydrolysis system, Sb 3 + can form six chlorine complex ions with Cl - , SbCl i 3-i (i = 1 ~ 6), and thus the total concentration of trivalent europium is: The Cl - concentration coordinated to Sb(III) is: Other metal ions (Me n +) ligand Cl - in a concentration of: Where K i is the chlorine complex stability constant of Me n + , [Cl - ] represents the free chlorine concentration, and Me n + does not form a chlorine complex ion, then [Cl - ] Me =0, therefore, total chloride The concentration is: Sb(III) indicates that the hydrolysis equilibrium of the chlorine complex ion has the following form: In the formula, Sb a Cl j O h is a solid hydrolysis product. According to this, the number of ion concentration index equations equal to the number of Sb(III) ions can be established. In the formula, [R i Z - ] includes [SbO + ] and [SbCl i 3 -i ]; N is a constant, which can be obtained from the equilibrium constant of the hydrolysis reaction; H = 2h∕a, that is, a ruthenium chloride complex ion hydrolysis reaction The proton number is lost; L=i-j∕a, which is the number of chloride ions liberated by a hydrazine chloride complex ion hydrolysis reaction. According to the principle of electrical neutrality, establish a charge balance equation: Substituting equations (2), (3), and (6) into equations (1), (4), and (7), assuming [Cl - ] T or [Cl - ] T and [Me n + ] T , simultaneous (1), (4) and (7), solve and plot, and finally find the basic thermodynamic model of [Cl - ] T or [Cl - ] T and [Me n + ] T : or Absorbent Pillows,Ndustrial Usage Absorbent Pillow,Laboratory Absorbent Pillow,White Color Chemical Absorent Pillow Wuxi Huanawell Metal Manufacturing Co., Ltd. , (1)